Learn how FedEx used assessment tools and support from CMI Assessments to improve its bottom line. Read the case study results.
The Challenge
When you have clients spending in excess of $100,000 per day with your company, you better deliver the goods.
And when your company is the most expensive option in the marketplace, your sales professionals often have to deal with objections posed by executive-level decision makers. This was the challenge facing a new Global Sales Manager at FedEx.
The high-tech market for logistics services was evolving rapidly and globalization was in full swing. Due to rapid growth, FedEx acquired a number of companies stocked with long-time employees who might or might not be up to the task. How could this Global Sales Manager know for sure if he had the right team of sales professionals?
In the distribution industry, faulty goal setting can easily boost the perceived performance of a mediocre account executive. Unfortunately, time was of the essence and there was no room for error. He had to be sure.
The Solution
This global selling challenge served as the catalyst for the birth of our CMI Assessments tool known today as S.A.L.E.S.
The Sales and Leadership Efficacy Survey (S.A.L.E.S.) measures 16 critical sales and leadership traits known to be especially essential in the transportation industry.
Locked in a serious competitive battle, this FedEx Global Sales Manager utilized a prototype version of S.A.L.E.S. to survey his team and identify strengths and deficiencies on an individual-by-individual basis. S.A.L.E.S. helped him set a benchmark for every team member.
Today other logistics companies use S.A.L.E.S. for the same purposes. To identify top-performers and hire them before they are swept up by the competition. It’s still a highly-competitive arena and S.A.L.E.S. delivers!
The Result
FedEx has continued to grow and is currently tracking at approximately $46 Billion in annual revenue.
The Global Sales Manager mentioned herein soon ranked #1 in the world inside the FedEx hierarchy of Global sales teams. His team has twice placed first place among their FedEx colleagues.
In addition, this Global Sales Manager was promoted to help integrate a variety of new FedEx acquisitions into the FedEx selling fold.
CMI Assessments is now in its second decade of profitable growth.